Brooklyn (2015)

Rayek Reviews
2 min readFeb 6, 2021

Alternate Title: Princess Peach and Mario!

Run Time: 1h 52min

Plot: A homesick girl can’t decide whether to stay in the US or to go back to her home.

Tl;dr Review: It’s a nice little watch. The story is simple and yet it can keep you interested.

When to Watch: In the afternoon.

With Whom to Watch: It’s a family friendly movie. Watch it with your siblings, or your friends; parents even. Though I wouldn’t recommend it for a movie date. Seriously, I mean it; don’t watch it on a date.

Full Review: On paper this movie doesn’t really have much going on for it. I bet most people won’t give it a chance even. And that’s a bit sad, if you think about it, isn’t it? How many good movies, music, art pieces, books we won’t get to enjoy simply because we didn’t give it a chance, or couldn’t; as our transient life doesn’t allow it.

Don’t think this movie is a masterpiece. It’s not. But that doesn’t mean it’s not deserving of your attention. It’s like a book that you bought on a train station just before your train was leaving. Granted, you may not have bought it any other time, but it certainly made your journey a bit more interesting. Or, it’s like those ice-creams you can get from roadside carts on a hot summer day. Surely you can afford better ones, but at that moment, it’s enough for you.

This movie is that. It’s a simple story that doesn’t try to be fancy, or make you think. It just wants to tell a story and captivate you for a moment. It won’t ask you difficult questions, make you think about your life choices, or ponder the futility of human life in the backdrop of the universe. Rather it’d make you smile with its innocence, or make you a bit sad with its childish impertinence.

There’s nothing much to say about it to be honest. The acting was really believable. Dialogues, though a bit sparse, were meaningful. Camera work was commendable. Costumes were outstanding. The environment was true to the time it’s based on (it portrays the ‘50s).

So, the question is, should you watch it? Yes, yes, you should.
Are you going to miss something if you skip it? Not really, but you know how often we get the feeling that we don’t have a good movie to watch? It will certainly scratch that itch.

Final Score: Add it to your watchlist/10

